Thomas Beddoes to an Unidentified Correspondent [?Davies Giddy], 1790 (fragment)

In a letter to one of his pupils, dated in 1790, he observes that he had made many discoveries relating to physical geography, and all tending to corroborate his faith in Dr Hutton's theory. ‘I have a good deal of matter’, he adds ‘that I might publish, but it is so much more irksome to make books than observations, that I know not when I shall prevail on myself to arrange my ideas’.

Part of the result of these discoveries, however, he communicated in a paper read before the Royal Society in 1791, and published among their transactions for that year; entitled, observations on the affinity between basaltes and granite.

Published: Stock, p. 28

The full versions of these letters with textual apparatus will be published by Cambridge University Press.